Written on 6:16 PM by Walski69
Technorati tags: Miscellaneous, Rantings, Thoughts
This be the new look, trying to be just like the old look... in time, it will happen. In time.
If that didn't make any sense whatsoever, I don't blame you... This blog was created as a companion site to myAsylum, where I test changes to be made to that site before implementing them.
These would include changes to templates/blog-skins, new widgets, new CSS/xHTML/HTML constructs, etc. Occassionally, it will also touch on neat services that I may consider adding (or have added) to myAsylum.
While not a technology blog, per se, it does touch on blogging technology. Since knowing how to manipulate scripting languages is a pre-requisite to creating attractive looking blogs (or at least I think so), I created this site also as a means to learn more about programming in these languages.
The template used here will change quite frequently, as and when I find new neat layouts to test out... So don't be surprised if the next time you happen by for a visit, it will look like a totally different blog!