Testing the new Blogger editor
Written on 1:18 PM by Walski69
Technorati tags: Blogger, New Editor, Try Out
Blogger recently updated it's post editor, a long-overdue revamp. One of the nice features is the break function, which in the past, could only be implemented by tweaking your template.
This is a test of that functionality, which if it works well, will mean that you won't see the rest of this post until after you click the "Read More" link below.
(the rest of it, in the full post)
So does it work? Yes, apparently so.
This is probably a much easier way to include a break, especially useful if your posts tend to be long, compared to previously how it was done, i.e. by tweaking your template. Especially for those less than comfortable with editing their template.
The new feature, however, is kind of moot for me, since these days, I edit my posts using an offline editor. My editor of choice is Windows Live Writer, which works quite nicely for me.
In any case, just thought I'd do this test post to see how it works out. One thing, however, is that the main page is now somehow kind of screwy - the background of the posts don't appear as they should.
Hmmm... so maybe it doesn't quite work as well as I thought, eh?