iPad Blogging
Written on 10:36 AM by Walski69
Technorati tags: Blogger+, iPad, Test Post
Sometime back, I decided to give this blogging tool on iPad a go.
The tool is called Blogger+ and what it does is allow blog posts (and it works with Blogger, my platform of choice) to be created and posted directly from the iPad.
And for the most part it works pretty okay, except that it is nowhere near as flexible as Window's LiveWriter, which is what I normally use.
(the shortcomings of Blogger+, in the full post)
One of the main shortcomings is that while facilities are provided to embed pictures and other media, the choice of available online image repositories is limited. Another shortcoming I find is that this tool does not really cater to bloggers who use a standard template that is to be re-used.
But perhaps the biggest shortcoming is that while there is a text editor function built in, it treats text as whole objects, making template blogging impossible. It treats the template as an entirely different object altogether.
So now, we're gonna test what happens when one inserts blocks of text into the post.
This is the text that was inserted using the built-in text editor. After I complete this paragraph, I will go ahead and post this.

As you can see, the added text using the text block tool inserts it outside the template wrapper - not good.