Malay Covenant Congress Resolution (A Translation)


Written on 12:26 AM by Walski69

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This post contains my own translation of the Resolusi Kongress Permuafakatan Melayu (Malay Covenant Congress Resolution), which concluded on Sunday, May 4th, 2008. The version of the resolution may not be the final one.

The original resolution is in Bahasa Malaysia, and can be found here (via This is probably not the best, or most accurate, of translations, but it's the closest that I could come up with, and probably conveys the gist of what the resolution is all about.


  1. Defend the special rights and position of the Malays, as enshrined in the constitution
  2. Oppose any ammendments that can weaken the soveriegnity and position of the Malays in the Constitution and Laws of Malaysia
  3. Oppose all arbitrary interpretations of any constitutional articles, selectively done for the sake of self-importance and racism


  1. Request that the Malay Rulers Council to perfectly carry out the task, responsibility and obligation to fend for and protect the entire Malay soveriegnity
  2. Oppose any human rights interpretations and democratic processes that set aside Malay soveriegnity
  3. Demand that Constitutional provisions and bodies of law pertaining to national governance are maintained
  4. Oppose any effort to politicize local government administration for the sake of maintaining peacefulness for all the people
  5. To fight for the role of Malay soveriegnity as the core and ideology of Malay political parties, and reject any foreign ideology pertaining to a Malaysian Malaysia
  6. Insist that Malay political parties fight for and develop strategic thinking for the endurance and direct application of Malay soveriegnity

(remainder of the translation, in the full post)


  1. Demand the implementation of social justice and equal distribution of wealth for all citizens, as provided for in the Federal Constitution
  2. Demand the implementation of the redistribution of economic ownership to achieve the aim of abolishment and eradication of race based economic activity
  3. Widen the Economic Jihad movement, based on two broad targets, firstly to develop a dynamic stimulus for and empower the Malay community until the objective of 65% [economic] control is achieved, and secondly to reconstruct the economic system so that it is fairer and more equitable.
  4. To create strategies for increased participation of Malay corporate bodies, with the aim of being dominant in the national and international economies


  1. Demand effective control over the construction of houses of worship for other religions based on the principal of need based on community size and location.
  2. Reject the idea of religious pluralism, which is against the nation's Constitution.

Malay Language

  1. Reject any efforts to create a multiligualistic policy in this country
  2. Demand that Article 152 of the Constitution be maintained, pertaining to the Malay language as the national language of the Federation
  3. Ensure the position of the Malay language as the primary language of knowledge building and encouraging translations into the Malay language, and abolishing the use of English as the medium of instruction in all institutes of higher learning
  4. Demand that the policy of teaching and examinations of Science and Mathematics entirely in the Malay language be implemented
  5. Encourage the use of Jawi script as one of the forms of writing the Malay language


  1. Empower the national-type education system as the core of the national education system
  2. Insist on the increased usage of the national language in the National Education System as the communication and knowledge vehicle to achieve racial development
  3. Ensure that the education delivery gap is eradicated nationwide
  4. Insist that nationhood studies, based on the Rukun Negara, is taught at all levels of schooling and higher education
  5. Ensure that all private educational systems give priority to nationalistic elements in their teaching and learning systems
  6. Insist that oral Malay language tests at all levels of examinations are implemented


  1. Insistance that the National Cultural Policy be the basis for our image, nationally and internationally
  2. Application of Islamic values and national culture as the basis of profound and meaningful practices within the Malaysian society
  3. Strongly reject any idea, underlying principle, and implementation of multiculturalism, using skewed interpretations of the Constitution

Should you have any corrections, or improvements to offer, please do so via the comments.

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1 Comment

  1. QaiYuM.NeT |

    Thanks for using my blog as your reference.. Happy blogging!


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