New Blog List feature in Blogger
Written on 4:14 PM by Walski69
Technorati tags: Blogger, New Feature, Blog List
One thing about blogging is that once you are comfortable with a particular platform, it's difficult to make the switch. myAsylum started on Blogger, and on Blogger it remains. No reason to switch, truth be told - especially when improvements and new features are constantly introduced.
The latest feature released for general use is the new Blog List. It's pretty much like a link list, only better, and more suited for use as a blog roll. I've implemented it here, but am still considering whether or not to put it on myAsylum.
You can see a 3-entry example at the top of the sidebar on the right.
(how to implement, and more in the full post)
Blogger has also released a How-To video on YouTube, as part of its Blogger Help series.
Unless you're totally uncomfortable with doing anything with your layout, it's actually a cake-walk to implement. No messing around with coding whatsoever.
So, why am I still considering whether or not to use it on myAsylum? Well, for one thing, the blogrolls currently are hidden until you expand them - this is not something Blogger does as a standard, and is a custom tweak. I've not had time to see if this can be done with the new Blog List or not.
What might be a better thing to do is to feature a few blogs at a time, as feature blogs, and select the post-snippet function which the new widget supports, but which I did not enable.